Saturday, September 19, 2009

Try This Recipe: Basilisk Repellent

I feel like there's no point in obfuscating my location any more, now that it's been plastered across national headlines. I go to Hofstra University, and in case you haven't heard, this past week my campus has been rocked by first allegations of gang rape, and then the unsettling truth that it was consentual. This has been accompanied by other, actual, incidents of violence - a brawl during a Greek life party, an armed robbery, and two incidents of young women being detained and harassed by young men. All in all, no one is feeling very safe on campus right now, especially young women.

I was lucky enough to have five years of training in Tang Soo Do before leaving for school, but neither of my roommates have had much self-defense training. The university offers a weekly Aikido class, which we'll be taking together for a while. Lindsey, one of my roomies, has taken to calling it "Basilisk Defense."

As an aid to all basilisk defenses, I think all young women should carry some form of basilisk repellent. In New York, the strict laws about Mace and pepper spray make me want to err on the side of caution, so here is a homemade version of anti-creep spray that is perfectly legal. Keep in mind that the purpose of self-defense sprays is to give you a chance to run away, not inflict harm. I have overheard plenty of young women talking about how they'd try to beat up a creep like that, and the point is: don't. If you are ever in that situation, your job is to stay safe. Focus on remembering what your attacker looks like and how you can get away. If you are able to spray, do so, and make a break for it. My Aunt Gloria's advice is to look an attacker in the eyes, because it reminds him that you are human, too, and it also slows his reflexes.

Get a small spray bottle, like the kind scents come in, which you can often find at craft stores. Fill it most of the way with rubbing alcohol, and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Top with water or witch hazel, cap, and shake well. It's really that simple - a good spray of that about the eyes and face will sting an attacker and distract him long enough for you to run away.

Almost anything in a spray bottle can work: perfumes, sanitizers, anything with some alcohol in it stings. I actually carry a bottle of fabric freshener in my purse, because it has the benefit of stinging alcohol, as well as not looking like a weapon, and the confusion factor of "It stings, it stings - why do I smell like spring rain?"

So, ladies and gentlemen, please keep yourselves safe. Be aware of your surroundings, trust your gut, and look out for yourselves and your friends.

PS - Friday was my birthday. Soon to be posted: my mother's killer chocolate cake recipe.

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